Google Chrome Package Installer

broken image

  1. Google Chrome Package Installer
  2. Download Google Chrome Full Package
  3. Cached
  4. Google Chrome 87.0.4280.66

:: ***** Set varilables *****
:: Environment Variables for x86/x64

If you want to install Google Chrome web browser in your system, you need to download an online installer first. Then this online installer downloads and installs required program files of the browser in your system. The good news is that now Google has officially released an MSI installer of Google Chrome for Windows users.

:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:: ***** Check if Chrome installation exists *****

Google Chrome Package Installer

REG QUERY '%HKPATH%GoogleUpdateClientState{8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}'
REM ***** If registry exist continue to uninstall script. If registry key does not exist goto :INSTALL *****

  1. Hello, we are trying to install the MSI package of Google Chrome via GPO at our school. In most cases it is working perfectly. However, on some computers it will not install, even though we have went ahead.
  2. Install Chrome Check MSIX/APPX Package in the top left corner Click Open in Advanced Installer Click on Google Chrome and set the AppList entry to Default.

:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Download Google Chrome Full Package

:: ***** Setup.exe uninstall script *****
:: ****** Query for setup.exe path *****
FOR /F 'usebackq tokens=3*' %%A IN (`REG QUERY '%HKPATH%GoogleUpdateClientState{8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}' /v UninstallString`) DO (
set appdir=%%A %%B
ECHO %appdir%
:: ***** Setup.exe uninstall *****
'%appdir%' --uninstall --multi-install --chrome --system-level --force-uninstall

:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

REM ***** taskkill GoogleUpdate.exe *****
taskkill.exe /F /IM GoogleUpdate.exe /T

:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


:: ***** Install *****
MsiExec.exe /i '%~dp0GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi' NOGOOGLEUPDATING=1 /l*v '%TEMP%SCCM Google Chrome.log' /qn

Why use brave browser. Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers among users. You are most likely to find Google Chrome installed on someone's browser due to its ease of usability and compatibility to many of Google's applications. In this tutorial, we examine how you can install Google Chrome on Debian 10.


Before we set sail, ensure you have the following Best way to backup imac.

  1. An instance of Debian OS
  2. Sudo user with root privileges

Let's get started.

Download Google Chrome

To start off, press the combinationCtrl + Alt+ T on the keyboard to launch the terminal.

Once the terminal is launched update the system repositories by running:

Google Chrome is not available on Debian's repository. This will force to download from Google's repository. To accomplish this, we need to download the Google Chrome's Debian package from Google's official repository using the wget command.

Sample Output

With Google Chrome's Debian package already installed, let us now install Google Chrome.

Install Google Chrome on Debian

To install Google Chrome alongside all the dependencies, run the command:

Sample Output

This should only take between 3-4 minutes depending on the speed of your internet connection.

Launching Google Chrome

With Google Chrome installed, You can launch it by clicking on Activities > Google Chrome.

Alternatively, you can head out to your terminal and execute the command:

When launching Chrome for the first time, a pop-up notification below will be displayed asking you whether you want Google Chrome to be your default browser and if you would wish to automatically send crash reports to Google.

Make a choice according to your preference and click the OK button.

This will open Google Chrome's browser default page as shown


From there you can click on 'Sync Now'. This will require you to Sign In using your Google's account and from there, you will have a smooth ride.

Removing Google Chrome

If Google Chrome is not your piece of cake and you'd rather use another browser instead, uninstall Google Chrome using the command

Next, run


The second command clears away any residual packages after the uninstallation of Google Chrome and helps free space.


Google Chrome 87.0.4280.66

In this article, we learned how to install Google Chrome on Debian OS. Give it a try and give us your experience. Thank you for your time.

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